Disclaimer for www.provenwinnersplants.com
This page contains the disclaimer of www.provenwinnersplants.com, as made available by Valkplant B.V.. In this disclaimer, we state the conditions under which we offer the information on our website to you.

Intellectual property
The website includes many parts which are subject to intellectual property rights of Valkplant and third parties. For example, the photos, texts and other graphics on our website are protected by copyright, and the name "Proven Winners", as well as the associated logo, have been registered as a trademark at the European Trademark Office (this also applies to many other variety names used on this website).

It is therefore not permitted to copy, publish and/or make changes to (parts of) the website electronically or otherwise without the express written consent of Valkplant. The intellectual property belongs to Valkplant B.V..

No guarantee on accuracy
Although Valkplant takes the greatest possible care when composing and maintaining the information provided on this website (such as prices, product information, advice and promotions), Valkplant cannot guarantee that this information is always completely accurate, complete and current. Should the information or the content on this website be incomplete or incorrect, we can not accept any liability.

With regard to the prices mentioned on our website, we strive to be as accurate as possible with regard to the reality and the intended prices. Any errors that arise and are identifiable as programming or typing errors, will never constitute a reason to claim or assume a contract or agreement with Valkplant B.V.

The information and/or products on this website are offered without any form of guarantee or claim to accuracy. We reserve the right to change, remove or replace the contents of this website without prior notice.

Should this disclaimer change, you will find the most recent version of www.provenwinnersplants.com's disclaimer on this page.